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Disaster Management

Disaster Management

Action Plan of Disaster Management

Committee organise several activities for different disasters to enable the students to act promptly without any panic. The main motive of the committee is to ensure safety and security of the students irrespective of the adverse situations. We ensure to empower our young souls with first-hand knowledge regarding how to act in case of fire, earthquake or any other mishap.

Action plans for fire drill

To empower students to take instantaneous action we conduct regular fire drills. The evacuation process starts with an alarm bell followed by the switching off the power in the entire building except for managers’ room so that she can check the process through CCTV camera. This is followed by a quick and systematic dispersal of the students through multiple exits. Students are safely guided by their respective teachers. At every exit, there are responsible teachers who make sure that there is no stampede or blockade. All the students gather in the playground and parking lot where the class teachers do head counting of students to make sure that all the students have reached safely. Besides, the evacuation map is displayed on every floor. We usually manage to evacuate the entire building in a span of 1.5 to 2 minutes.

Action plan for earthquake drill

Students are frequently shown videos on earthquake which enriches them with the essential safety techniques. With the ringing of the alarm bell students come into action by hiding beneath the tables and desks. Some stand erect by walls and pillars. Others keep their bags on their heads. They are instructed not to panic or run here and there.

To add on to the above-mentioned plans, we also keep our students enlightened about other possible disasters like terrorist attack etc. in the morning assemblies.

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211-12, Varun Farm Complex, Gate No.2, Satbari, Chhattarpur
New Delhi- 110074

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